Delete SSO Group
Attention! Data loss!
You cannot reverse the deletion.

At least one SSO group has been created.

Click Administration > SSO groups.
Locate the SSO group you want to copy:
Scroll the list.
Enter a search term in the search field above the list.
In the line of the SSO group that you want to delete, click
A Delete warning dialog box will open.
Click Yes to confirm.
In the following dialog box, manually type the word Delete into the text field provided.
This is a security measure to avoid accidentally deleting groups.
Click Continue.
The dialog closes and the selected group will now be deleted.

Click Administration > SSO groups.
Locate the SSO groups and click the check boxes left to the names of each SSO group you want to delete:
Click the Bulk Actions menu at the top of the page and choose Delete from the drop down menu.
A Delete warning dialog box will open.
Click Yes to confirm.
In the following dialog box, manually type the word Delete into the text field provided.
This is a security measure to avoid accidentally deleting groups.
Click Continue.
The dialog closes and the selected groups will now be deleted.